다음 페이지의 데이터를 기다리는 대신 데이터를 지연시켜 데이터가 로드되는 동안 플레이스홀더 UI 가 있는 다음 화면으로 바로 넘어가도록 할 수 있습니다.
element={<Issue />}
loader={async ({ params }) => {
// these are promises, but *not* awaited
const comments = fake.getIssueComments(params.issueId);
const history = fake.getIssueHistory(params.issueId);
// the issue, however, *is* awaited
const issue = await fake.getIssue(params.issueId);
// defer enables suspense for the un-awaited promises
return defer({ issue, comments, history });
function Issue() {
const { issue, history, comments } = useLoaderData();
return (
<IssueDescription issue={issue} />
{/* Suspense provides the placeholder fallback */}
<Suspense fallback={<IssueHistorySkeleton />}>
{/* Await manages the deferred data (promise) */}
<Await resolve={history}>
{/* this calls back when the data is resolved */}
{(resolvedHistory) => (
<IssueHistory history={resolvedHistory} />
<Suspense fallback={<IssueCommentsSkeleton />}>
<Await resolve={comments}>
{/* ... or you can use hooks to access the data */}
<IssueComments />
function IssueComments() {
const comments = useAsyncValue();
return <div>{/* ... */}</div>;